Building Assets

What is building assets? It’s a model that includes the activities, capabilities, and resources that contribute to create sustainable livelihoods. This means working to support livelihoods that are resilient to external shocks and stresses, aren’t dependent on external support, and don’t undermine/compromise the livelihood options for others. The assets you need to build to accomplish this are divided into 5 asset categories (personal, social, human, physical, and financial) that recognize the diverse and interconnected needs of people.


Spin the wheel to find out what type of assets you’ll commit to building for the community. Below is a brief description of the different asset categories and some helpful hints about ways you could help build those assets for others.

Don’t forget to register your actions to build assets in the community by filling out the form below. We’ll be adding all the ways the people of Saskatoon are supporting each other and helping one another build assets.



PERSONAL ASSETS: motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-perception, emotional well-being, assertiveness, spirituality.

Examples of how to Build This Asset for Others: Give someone a compliment; Offer to provide childcare; Be an errand buddy


SOCIAL ASSETS: cooperation, networks, interconnectedness, family support, friendships, relationships of trust, partnership and collaboration, political participation.

Examples of how to Build This Asset for Others: Reach out to an old friend or neighbour; Organize a block/staff party; Create and share resources about an issue your neighbourhood is facing or passionate about


HUMAN ASSETS: skills (technical and interpersonal), knowledge, ability, employability and earning power, good health, leadership.

Examples of how to Build This Asset for Others: Teach someone a new skill; Offer mentorship; If your neighbourhood doesn't have one, create a Little Free Library


PHYSICAL ASSETS: child/elder care, secure shelter, clean, affordable energy, information, banking and access to related services, basic consumer needs, affordable transportation, tools and equipment, natural resources, air, and water quality.

Examples of how to Build This Asset for Others: Donate gently used clothing/furniture; Share fresh garden produce; Give someone a ride


FINANCIAL ASSETS: employment/self-employment, available finances, regular inflow of money, credit rating, access to credit.

Examples of how to Build This Asset for Others: Pay for the coffee order of someone behind you; Recommend someone you know for an open job; Support a local business -even a kid's lemonade stand

find out how people have been building assets for the community

  • Aug. 9th, 2022: Mat Chapdelaine from Silver spring

    How did you Help Build Assets for the Community? Gave compliments to strangers. Taught new skills to friends.


    August. 9th, 2022: Arliss Sidloski from Silverspring

    How did you Help Build Assets for the Community? Gave compliments to everyone I talked to.

  • No actions for building these assets has been registered yet. Check back soon!

  • Aug. 9th, 2022: Calvin Yury from Hampton Village built

    How did you Help Build Assets for the Community: I mentor kids in the gym with fitness programs.

  • No actions for building these assets has been registered yet. Check back soon!

  • No actions for building these assets has been registered yet. Check back soon!